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Minutes 03/30/2011 Approved
March 30, 2011                                                                         

A   SPECIAL JOINT MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority and the Board of Public Safety was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Wednesday, March 30, 2011.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan Bingham, City Councilors Drake Waldron, Gerald Zordan, Marie Soliani, Elinor Carbone, and Gregg Cogswell, Board of Public Safety Commissioners Angelo LaMonica, Richard Zaharek, Douglas Benedetto, James Potter, and Christopher Cook, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick, Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Emergency Management Director Rick Dalla Valle, Board of Finance member Laurene Pesce, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, and Comptroller Alice Proulx.  Councilor Paul Samele and Commissioner Darlene Battle were absent.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:18 p.m.

Deputy Chief Brunoli explained this purchase is for an installation and connection to tie all radio channels and circuits together between the Litchfield County Dispatch, Torrington Police Dept. and Torrington Fire Dept.  There was only one bidder, he said, as Northeastern does almost all the Litchfield County Dispatch’s work, and is familiar with the project.  He said this was funded through the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications Grant, and this bid is to comply with their guidelines.

He further explained the six Dispatch Center work stations.  He said there were three bidders.  Wright-Line LLC was chosen because they were the low bidder, had a better warrantee, and their design was more functional.  This was funded through the COPS Technology Grant, and their guidelines called for this bid.
Commissioner Benedetto asked if the grant funding was 100% for both items. Deputy Chief Brunoli replied that it is.  

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board of Public Safety voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase of Radio System Channel Banks, Installation, and Alignment on Tower of Point-to-Point Antennas and Cabling to Northeastern Communications, Inc.  of Naugatuck, CT in the amount of $76,651.00 to be funded through the transition grant from the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the City Council & WPC Authority voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase of Radio System Channel Banks, Installation, and Alignment on Tower of Point-to-Point Antennas and Cabling to Northeastern Communications, Inc.  of Naugatuck, CT in the amount of $76,651.00 to be funded through the transition grant from the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board of Public Safety voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase and installation of six (6) Dispatch Work Stations for the new Dispatch Center to be funded through the COPS Technology Grant.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Zordan, the City Council & WPC Authority voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase and installation of six (6) Dispatch Work Stations for the new Dispatch Center to be funded through the COPS Technology Grant.

On a motion by Councilor Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:22 p.m.

 ATTEST: JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                               
                CITY CLERK      

Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk